Monday, September 11, 2017

Kid Rock is a Copyright Thief

Kid Rock Stole Werevolves of London, Sweet Home Alabama, and Making Cash Money

Kid Rock is a Song Thief

''Bawitdaba'' is a rip off of Busy Bee's Making Cash Money.

Kid Rock is a copyright thief - LunaticOutPost

Kid Rock sucks but so do a lot of millionaire rock stars but unlike people who just suck, Kid Rock is a song thief but what else would you expect from confederate flag waving racist and traitor?

Kid Rock didn't stop with stealing from Busy Bee he has also stolen from the late Warren Zevon and Lynard Skynard's Sweet Home Alabama.

Kid Rock Supports Trump

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Gear Slutz Kicking the Shit Out of TuneCore

There are a lot of corporate gangsters from all over the world filing bogus copyright strikes. Tunecore is one of them.

I realize that this is more of a gear and technical forum and I am very grateful that it is here. Since the music industry is in a state of change musical artists have had to adapt and learn the technical side of recording and a resource like GearSlutz I very much appreciated and helpful. It is tough having to wear so many hats and still do justice to our art.

Musical distribution has changed as well and not for the better from the point of view of many artists. The waters are full of sharks. Since there are a lot of musician/composer/singer songwriter/audio engineers/producers here I though it might be a good idea to issue warning about a big nasty shark in the water that goes by the name TuneCorp. There are a lot of complaints about TuneCore, not paying artists, not honoring their contractual release clause, and publishing copyrighted material owned by managed by BMI, ASCAP and SESAC. TuneCore's latest scam is that they file bogus copyright claims against Youtubers and then monetize their videos. There is no practical remedy in place on Youtube to challenge these false claims. It is as though the Youtuber is guilty until proven innocent. The appeal process drags on while TuneCore continues getting revenue because the monetize these videos. When TuneCore gets caught they can say "oops our mistake" and suffer no consequences for their criminal behavior. 

The evidence. Mixcraft No Longer Sucks: Criminals At TuneCore Filing More Bogus Copyright Claims Against Youtubers

Youtube is complicit in this because given the number of complaints and TuneCore's bad reputation with the BBB and the recent FBI investigation TuneCore a known corporate criminal should be banned from Youtube and all video and sound recording streaming. 

I will not recommend any streaming service but I will say, before you hook up with any, do your homework.

Read More Here

Class action lawsuit against the crooks and Spotify CLICK HERE

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Putting a Hurt On Tunecore!

Image result for tunecore ripoff

With a little help from my friends, this blog is getting 1000 views per day.

Keep spreading the word about those criminals and put them out of business. Don't let those bastards breath!

More people are spreading the word in Tunecore! CLICK HERE!